Hillary is going home tomorrow, after 27 days in isolation. We are ecstatic. We can’t wait to sit in the backyard. Cook. Walk up and down the stairs. The simple stuff.
Hillary received a hemoglobin transfusion yesterday and will receive a platelet transfusion tomorrow to prepare her for discharge. Thank you anonymous donors. Hillary’s neutropenia remains severe at .1 so we won’t be taking any chances with germs or infection. This is such a peculiar and rare condition — one that requires constant vigilance.
So for now, it’s just a waiting game. We continue the am/pm cyclosporine medication at home, and visit CHEO twice a week for blood tests. She will need several more transfusions, but one day, at around three months, that blood test will come back with the news that she is producing blood on her own. We’ve visualized it. Drawn the picture. Written it down as an affirmation and framed it.
Reflecting on our time here, with these emotional blog updates and our quest to increase the stem cell registry, we’ve come to believe that Hillary was chosen for this. Chosen just like the rest of the kids here at CHEO — to teach the rest of us a thing or two about life and how to live it.
The fight isn’t over. The game has just changed. We now have the home advantage.

This is encouraging news for sure!
We are still praying and expecting a miracle.
Love to Hillary and the whole family!
I am so happy for all of you. Being home will be wonderful for the family. Keep staying positive and visualizing a positive outcome. Know that I am praying for Hillary every day.
This life affirming message is authentic my eyes were crying while my mouth was smiling!!! I will continue to pray for your whole family. Keep believing your miracle is just around the corner!
Hillary, I am so happy for you and your family. Going home to snuggle in your own bed I am sure will be rather delightful.
Your Thank you notes are beautiful. You have great penmanship. Good work
#startwithhillary #homeadvantage
Great to hear Hillary – so glad you will soon be back home!
YES!!!! Home! Thank you for these updates. Prayers and love your way always! Tanya O’Brien
That is wonderful news!
We are just overjoyed at the news of Hillary going home. Nothing like getting into your own bed. So happy for you all! Your thank you cards are beautiful! Great news. Will be praying that day comes soon when she will be making those blood cells on her own.
That’s wonderful news Hillary!!!
Sending lots of prayers to you and your amazing family.
Home field advantage sounds good! Love the positive thinking, we are channeling positive energy your way and keeping you all in our prayers.